Neonatal Insider: A review course, is a monthly review course for those who are seeking an excellent concise review of all aspects of neonatal medicine and the illnesses that affect our patients every day. Those currently in training, those looking for a review of best evidence and best practice, and bedside clinicians in search of a truly excellent clear and comprehensive review of an entire curriculum of Neonatal Medicine will benefit from this course! It includes a comprehensive review of core pathophysiology and management of normal neonatal biophysical processes and disorders. The focus of the course is on educational quality of the material, comprehensive coverage, and a foundational Neonatology-based review. Those still in training will find this a consistent rescourse for excellent topical review on an appropriately challenging level. Those in practice will find this to be an enjoyable and impactful manner to keep fundamental pathophysiology and differential diagnosis in their knowledge base, despite their busy work lives.
The course is designed to be offered one evening per month over 24 months and will comprehensively review the majority of topics in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. It is provided in a live virtual format, once a month, allowing for direct interaction of the audience with the prestigious faculty in real time. At the end of each monthly session, one of the Neonatal Insider co-directors will personally moderate a 30-minute Question and Answer session between the faculty member and course attendees. This will ensure that clear understandable answers to your questions are delivered by the faculty. If the subscriber is unable to attend the live session, a recorded version will be made available for their viewing. Each session will award the attendee continuing education credit.
The Course Faculty have been chosen because they are winners of prestigious educational awards, renowned great teachers, neonatal review book authors, and highly rated review course speakers. They are seasoned review course educators, renowned faculty of prominent medical schools, and are truly focused on delivering a memorable and clear educational experience that is not to be missed. They are also bedside Neonatologists and Advance Practice Neonatal Nurse Practitioners and understand the needs of those seeking great educational experiences. We are not out of touch bench basic science researchers, nor are we interested in boring you with every single finite research study detail, though these are very important to know and understand, and are the foundation upon which this knowledge is based. Through years of providing educational courses for neonatal clinicians, asking and answering bedside questions, and teaching review courses, we have truly learned to recognize what our learners desire in an educational experience. Neonatal Insider has chosen the faculty through quantitative reviews by attendees of their lectures in other settings, and we have personally heard each of them teach! To see our carefully selected faculty, click here.
Our members also gain access to a members-only forum, NEO-LOUNGE. NEO-LOUNGE will allow for direct and moderated discussion between our members and course faculty. Forums will be topic based and allow our members to have ongoing interaction with other members and our course faculty.
Opportunities like this, all in one concise location, do not exist in our profession. Neonatal Insider is proud to bring you this substantial and convenient educational opportunity. All it requires is one evening per month!
Subscriptions are available for the first 12-month portion OR the entire 24 month course. They can take place at any time, as the course will repeat each 24 months. If members are unable to attend live, the recordings can be securely accessed upon individual request for 30 days or until the next live lecture takes place.
To see our course agenda with full lecture descriptions, click here.
Note: Lecture recording, screenshots, reproduction, or redistribution of any aspect of the lectures is strictly prohibited in any manner in order to allow for the integrity of faculty proprietary materials.