Join us live September 30th at 7pm EST with Dr. Blake Porter discussing Maternal-Fetal Medicine for the NICU. As a significant understanding of maternal fetal medicine is required for provision of excellent neonatal care, our outstanding MFM speaker, Dr. Blake Porter, will take us through a rapid question-based review of MFM topics of importance to […]
World Renowned textbook authors and educators, Dr. Cami Martin and Dr. James Moore, will be presenting on Neonatal Gastrointestinal Disorders including topics such as: Necrotizing Enterocolitis Spontaneous Gastrointestinal Perforation Neonatal Cholestasis Liver Failure The pervasive topic of reflux in the neonate Join now to participate in this engaging and interactive discussion on August 26th at […]
Neonatal Insider is proud to announce our Joint Providership with Tulane University School of Medicine Center for Continuing Education for our Neonatal Insights Review Course. Don’t miss out on this unique educational opportunity that combines the most comprehensive curriculum of neonatology, from the most innovative faculty members, directly to you. Join now at: Our […]
Join us July 28th for our inaugural live session of the Neonatal Insights review course. Neonatal Insider faculty James Moore MD, PhD and Cami Martin MD, MS will review the developmental of the GI tract in the context of enteral feedings of neonates and development of the gut microbiome. They skillfully give insight into the […]
Did you know that Neonatal Insider offers continuing education credit for our Neonatal Insights Review Course? We have been working diligently behind the scenes to ensure that our members are able to receive continuing education credit for their participation in our monthly sessions. Continuing Education credit will be available for our first session on July […]
We are excited that you’re here. The idea for this project started many years ago, with the goal to provide world class education to all neonatal clinicians. We felt strongly that it shouldn’t matter if you are a physician with years of clinical practice under your belt, or a seasoned bedside nurse looking to expand […]